Startup Showcase: Blue Ocean Gear – Sensored Tracking Buoys for Sustainable Fishing

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Blue Ocean Gear is a California-based startup that aims to revolutionize the commercial fishing industry with sensored tracking buoys. Their innovative SmartBuoy product suite allows fishers, aquaculture farmers, and ocean scientists to monitor their gear in real-time, enhancing operational efficiency and profitability while also addressing the environmental impacts of lost gear and entanglements.

Revolutionizing Commercial Fishing with Sensored Tracking Buoys

For many years, the commercial fishing industry has faced challenges with limited access to real-time data on gear location and environmental conditions. This lack of information can lead to lost gear, reduced operational efficiency, and negative impacts on marine ecosystems.

Blue Ocean Gear aims to solve these challenges with their SmartBuoy product suite. These GPS tracking buoys are specifically designed to withstand the harsh conditions of modern fixed gear fishing, such as strong currents, high winds, and rough seas. The buoys are equipped with a range of sensors that provide valuable data on gear location, ocean currents, water temperature, and other important factors.

The SmartBuoy data is transmitted via satellite and can be accessed through Blue Ocean Gear’s cloud-based platform. This allows fishers, aquaculture farmers, and ocean scientists to monitor their gear and analyze data in real-time, making more informed decisions about when and where to fish, as well as improving gear retrieval and reducing the environmental impact of lost gear.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Profitability

By providing real-time data on gear location and ocean conditions, Blue Ocean Gear’s SmartBuoy product suite can help fishers and aquaculture farmers reduce fuel costs and lost gear. Fishers can optimize their routes based on current ocean conditions and reduce the time and effort required to locate and retrieve lost gear.

Aquaculture farmers can also use the SmartBuoy to monitor environmental conditions and adjust feeding and harvesting schedules accordingly. This leads to more efficient and profitable operations, reducing the impact on marine ecosystems and improving the sustainability of the industry as a whole.

Addressing Environmental Impacts of Lost Gear and Entanglements

Blue Ocean Gear’s SmartBuoy product suite not only enhances operational efficiency and profitability but also addresses the environmental impacts of lost gear and entanglements. Lost gear, such as nets and traps, can continue to fish and entangle marine animals, causing injury and death. This can also impact the sustainability of the fishing industry and lead to a decrease in fish populations.

By providing real-time data on gear location, Blue Ocean Gear’s SmartBuoy product suite can help reduce the amount of lost gear in the ocean. Fishers can quickly locate and retrieve lost gear, reducing the risk of entanglements and minimizing the environmental impact.

In addition, the data collected by the SmartBuoy can provide valuable insights into ocean conditions, helping fishers and scientists understand the impact of lost gear on marine ecosystems and develop more sustainable fishing practices.


Blue Ocean Gear’s SmartBuoy product suite is a game-changer for the commercial fishing industry, providing real-time data on gear location and environmental conditions to enhance operational efficiency and profitability while also addressing the environmental impacts of lost gear and entanglements. By combining cutting-edge technology with a commitment to sustainability, Blue Ocean Gear is paving the way for a more sustainable and profitable future for the fishing industry.




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