Startup Showcase: Atrasim – Revolutionizing Corrosion Management with Advanced Simulation Software

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Atrasim is a Canadian-based startup that provides advanced corrosion planning, mitigation, and prediction software for heavy industries such as utilities, oil and gas, and telecom. With corrosion-related incidents costing an estimated US$2.5 trillion globally each year, the need for effective corrosion management solutions has never been greater. Atrasim’s cutting-edge proprietary algorithms, state-of-the-art simulation engine, and NASA’s satellite databases provide a unique solution for modeling underground corrosion and presenting actionable solutions for organizations that use their software.

Revolutionizing Corrosion Management with Advanced Simulation Software

Corrosion is a major issue for heavy industries, resulting in significant financial losses due to equipment failure, downtime, and safety concerns. Traditional methods of corrosion management have relied on reactive maintenance and inspection practices that are both costly and time-consuming. Atrasim’s simulation software takes a proactive approach to corrosion management, using advanced technology to predict and prevent corrosion-related incidents before they occur.

Using Advanced Technology to Mitigate Corrosion-Related Incidents in Heavy Industries

Atrasim’s software utilizes cutting-edge proprietary algorithms and a state-of-the-art simulation engine to model underground corrosion. By combining data from NASA’s satellite databases and other sources, Atrasim is able to provide highly accurate predictions of corrosion levels and potential incidents. This allows organizations to take proactive steps to prevent corrosion-related incidents, resulting in increased safety, reduced downtime, and significant cost savings.

Actionable Solutions for Organizations

Atrasim’s software provides organizations with actionable solutions for managing corrosion. By providing highly accurate predictions of corrosion levels, Atrasim enables organizations to prioritize maintenance activities and allocate resources more efficiently. This results in reduced downtime, increased safety, and significant cost savings. Atrasim’s software also enables organizations to optimize their corrosion control practices, resulting in even greater cost savings.


Atrasim is revolutionizing the field of corrosion management with its advanced simulation software. By providing highly accurate predictions of corrosion levels and potential incidents, Atrasim enables organizations to take proactive steps to prevent corrosion-related incidents before they occur. With the potential to recapture 35% of the cost of corrosion with simulation software, Atrasim’s technology has the potential to make a significant impact on the bottom line of heavy industries worldwide.





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